Temple University Disability Studies Program, Spring 2005 course
Disability & Social Policy
Disability Studies 430/Social Administration 480
Course Reference Numbers: 088759 / 089019
Course Reference Numbers: 088759 / 089019
open to graduate students and advanced undergraduates
Mondays, 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM in Tuttleman 1B, Temple University
Instructor: Steve Eidelman
Executive Director of The Arc of the United States
50 million Americans have disabilities and significant chronic health conditions.This course will familiarize students with public policies concerning disability and health and their impact upon people with disabilities. In particular this course will:
- Familiarize students with the range of policies related to disability and health, including for example, Americans with Disabilities Act, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Income Support Programs, Vocational Rehabilitation policies, and Health Insurance policies;
- Examine the origins, goals, and target populations for these policies and the extent to which policies are consistent with each other;
- Assess the effectiveness of policies and the impact they have on people's real lives, including people with disabilities, family members and professionals.
- Consider future directions for disability policy and how to pursue social change through policy.
For more information on the Graduate Certificate in Disability Studies visit our website, http://www.temple.edu/education/curric_dept/ds.html
Mike Dorn, Ph.D.
Coordinator of Disability Studies
Dept. of Education Leadership
648 Ritter Annex
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Tel. (215) 204-3373
Fax (215) 204-6336
voice/TTY (215) 204-1356
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