Introductions to Blogs and EndNote
In mid-January, Mike Dorn is going to be offering computer seminars introducing useful tools for those interested in academic publishing and professional networking: bibliographic reference management programs (i.e., EndNote); and weblogs. These trainings will be held in the Instructional Technology Classroom (across the hall from the EEC, 3rd floor of Ritter Hall). He is interested to hearing from folks connected with the College of Education about their interest and availability to attend trainings on the following dates before setting exact times. Trainings will start no earlier than 9:30 am and end no later than 4:30 pm; folks should indicate whether they prefer morning or afternoon trainings.
Thursday, January 13: Weblogs and 'blogging': What's the buzz about? How do you create your own blog? What can they offer to the College of Education? Follow this link for more information on the phenomenon: Introduction to Blogs and Blogging
Thursday, January 20: Using EndNote effectively at Temple University
Please let me know if you have any specific questions you would like me to address in these seminars.
Sincerely, Mike
As the College of Education here at Temple University engages in a collective process of rethinking the way that it comes across in cyberspace, we would do well to consider fundental characteristics of this medium. Hence my rationale for linking to this post from Ed-Tech Insider on a recent publication, The Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One.
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