Saturday, July 30, 2005
Public Historian 27(2): Spring 2005
Welcome Edge-Centric!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Back-to-school shopping yet?

Not here--we've still got a week of summer school to go. But if there are teachers or parents out there shopping for craft supplies and frustrated not to be finding kid-friendly inclusive images, a friend tipped me to Same Differences, a New Jersey-based scrapbooking company (owned by PWD Kim Luty) that makes stickers and such that feature a wider diversity of characters--older folks, people using wheelchairs, a service dog, etc. Here's an example from their site (right; click on it for a closer look). Maybe I'll make a packet of such supplies for first-day-of-school teacher gifts ...along with sending my son in his new Nth Degree "boing" t-shirt, of course.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
How Kestrell's spending her summer vacation
Monday, July 18, 2005
Discussion of Million Dollar Baby in Disability Studies Quarterly (x-SDS)
For information on subscribing to DSQ please visit
For information on becoming a member of SDS please visit
Disability Activists protest New Urbanism

Dear Colleagues, I am interested in your suggestions on how Disability
Studies programs and professionals in design fields might contribute to this
ongoing drive for public awareness and corporate responsibility.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lilith Finkler
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 11:39 AM
Subject: disabled protest New Urbanism
Activists call 'New Urbanism' to account over lack of visitability
By Eleanor Smith
Homes in New Urbanism communities are by and large neither livable nor
visitable by people with mobility impairments.
New Urbanists, whose ideas are influencing community design all over the
country, tout walkable communities, decreasing energy waste from suburban
commuters by revitalizing inner cities, and other socially advanced
principles. Proponents repeatedly assert that such home-office-store
communities, because ot their density and proximity to shopping and public
transportation, are excellent for older people who can no longer drive.
The contradiction is that, by and large, the homes constructed in these
"ideal" communities are neither livable nor visitable by people with
mobility impairments -- and not a wise choice for temporarily able-bodied
older people, either. New Urbanists have been the chief designers who,
beginning in the 1980's, brought back the "classic" multi-stepped houses
with front porches high above grade -- houses that are worse for disabled
and older people than the typical house styles of 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's
--this at a time when the aging of the population is a widely reported
trend, and younger disabled people are surviving longer than ever before.
After several years of mainly fruitless advocacy by the Disability Rights
Action Coalition for Housing (known as DRACH) and Concrete Change, a number
of visitability advocates from Georgia and New York expressed their
displeasure by clogging the hall at the 2002 New Urbanist national
conference in New York City, some of us lying on the floor with signs
reading: "Nostalgic Front Stoop. Please step over."
This resulted in a meeting with the board, program participation
opportunities at two following conferences, and through the work of Access
Living in Chicago, a letter of support from the Chicago-based Congress for
the New Urbanism board of directors for the federal Inclusive Home Design
Act legislation.
New Glenwood Park home with lots of steps.
But in practice New Urbanists still crank out dense communities of new,
grossly inaccessible homes.
Visitability advocates in Atlanta worked hard at educating the developers of
the much-ballyhooed projected New Urbanist community, Glenwood Park, for
several years before ground was broken, because it was clear that community
would be held up as a model for years to come.
Besides the balloons, activists handed out house-shaped fans that said,
"Basic Access to Every New Home: One zero-step entrance, 32-inch doors!"
Checking and photographing the houses under construction, Atlanta-area
Concrete Change participants were outraged to see that inaccessibility was
rampant, with steps at every entrance -- in many cases so steep they could
never be retrofitted, let alone visited by a disabled friend -- and narrow
bathroom doors.
So, at Glenwood Park's grand opening in June, fifteen wheelchair users and
nine walking supporters arrived, representing DRACH, ADAPT, People First,
and Georgia Voices That Count.
The advocates circulated among the crowd, distributing fliers and carrying
balloons that said "Welcome-If Not Disabled" and passing out house-shaped
fans that said, "Basic Access to Every New Home: One zero-step entrance,
32-inch doors!" The strategy was to have a multitude of personal
conversations with the attendees.
By time the formal grand opening program took place, much of the crowd
understood and supported our issue. There was loud applause when a Glenwood
Park developer announced from the stage that, although they had done many
things right in their new development, they had fumbled on visitability. He
pledged to hold a training of their builders.
I will be presenting the training, and advocates will be watching to see
what actually occurs in practice as the next houses go up.
Posted July 11, 2005.
Eleanor Smith is the founder of Concrete Change.
Wright State gets $3 million to help teachers of disabled
Doctoral students at Wright State University will be able to concentrate on technology-based methods for teaching disabled students, thanks to a $3 million National Science Foundation grant. A team of more than 20 faculty members will create the concentration during the five- year grant. Research under the program will center on how to create experiences for the disabled that allow them to overcome obstacles in their lives and learning. The new concentration will operate through one of four Ph.D. programs at the Dayton school.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Notice in Diversity Inc.'s newsletter (x-SDS)
Diversity Inc is planning a feature story for the October magazine issue about diversity within the disability community. We're looking for people of color and GLBT individuals with disabilities to talk about their experiences. If you're interested in participating, please send your name, phone number, disability and race, ethnicity and/or sexual orientation via email to by July 15.