Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

[Description of image: A closeup shot, from the side, of my son's feet in ankle-foot orthotics (AFOs), being positioned for stepping on a treadmill by a physical therapist's hands]

More about Wordless Wednesday.


  1. That really is a beautiful picture that will be cherished..Im glad you could capture that..

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    isnt fascinating what physical therapists can do; i have always thought it would be interesting to do this as a career.
    you are a wonderful mother.

  3. What an artistic shot! An angle on a topic I wouldn't have considered. Thank you!

    WW newbie - D :)

  4. I'm so glad I found your blog. Your link list is great. My youngest son has a limb difference. I am always looking for new blogs for parents of children with special needs. Thanks.
