Thursday, February 08, 2007

Disability Blog Carnival #8 is UP NOW!

Head over to Daniel Goldberg's Medical Humanities blog to check out the latest edition of the Disability Blog Carnival, this time with the theme "Contact," which he interprets broadly, including posts on intercultural contact, contact and access to services, defenses against unwanted contact, contact with alternative ideas about disability... well, just go have a read. And get your submissions in for the next edition, hosted by Mark Siegel at the 19th Floor--his invited theme is "employment." The Carnival works best with robust and diverse community participation, so read, write, submit, link and comment away!

1 comment:

  1. Hi my dear,
    I am happy to address you - while writing I sense myself full and lack nothing while communicating- while writing to you.
    Thank you for the "Disability Blog Carnival" As much I understand English (I live in Lithuania) the theme allows present my blogs to you.
    In other words, you are welcomed to "Modus Vivendi" art therapy blog of Klaipeda Psychiatric hospital.
    Please visit and Captains bridge
    The titles of the blogs are different but the essence the same. I am as the author of both blogs so the disabled myself.
    The situation is a bit confusing. The disabled talk on how to heal and how to live... wow. Is not that the obvious sign of the disability?
    But don't be in harry to judge my address. Please browse through the archives. I would greatly appreciate all your comments and remarks and suggestions. All these blogs were made on the pure initiative of the disabled I didn't receive any guidance but just printed what I saw and felt.
    My address didn't belong to any project and is pure cry of my heart.
    As I have written, the depth of our steps is defined by our love to other
    Be well my dear. Thank you for the possibility to address you. That's is breaking through the wall of ignorance of it self.
