Saturday, March 10, 2007

"Next Blogging"

The "next blog" button at the top of Blogger is a temptation I don't need, most of the time...but I took a "next blogging" detour today, and found some disability-related blogs and content that I might not have caught otherwise...

Daniella Zalcman at The One Train is a student in New York City, who enjoys photographing people. Stranger 067 is a wheelchair user who looks to be enjoying a recent Mardi Gras celebration.

Ottoette at On Line On Life On Insulin is diabetic, and writing about pregnancy, midlife motherhood, exercise, getting older, losing weight, all that.

Lois Grebowski at the Lowdown from Lois writes about the Happy Man--"odd...harmless...just happy"--a "ministry of one"--who frequents a bus-stop bench near a Nashville hospital, singing, dancing, and shouting for joy. Is he someone with a disability? The "neighborhood character" niche has often been occupied by disabled people, so, could be... anyway, Lois salutes him.

One Word is a writer's blog by Zhoen in Boston MA. The one-word prompt for the latest entry is "Bath." The writer recalls a visit to a women's bathhouse in San Francisco:
I have long remembered those women, comfortable with their various bodies, stretch marks, bulges, scars and tattoos. I have seen many bodies in my work, all shapes and sizes, desperately ill, or generally healthy, painfully thin or floppy obese, a 100 lb. pannis that had to be suspended over the OR table to keep it from pulling her body off the table. Boob jobs denied, and tummy tucks exposed, or begged for by the normal sized, the lies congregate. I have had lifelong opportunities to reorient my assumptions, that only the thin and pretty find love, that beauty is immutable and measurable. That bath drew it all together for me, brought me to the same level, included me. Not just reassurance for others, I could take my own advice, and be fine.

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