Cool stuff in the world of Disability Studies, Geography, and History. Based at Temple University in Philadelphia, with contributors from coast to coast. Check out our 'Notable Blogs' list below - your portal to the disability blog world.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Disability History and Awareness Month
For readers living in North Carolina, today is the first day of Disability History and Awareness Month, as declared by your legislatures and signed by your governors. In West Virginia, October is Disability Awareness Month, and the third week of October is Disability History Week. Other states (Idaho, Iowa, Florida, Connecticut) are in the process of considering similar legislation. These designations came about through the work of young disability rights activists, who are learning how government works by meeting with officials, writing letters, and drafting such declarations. A designated week or month may not add any ramps to your neighborhood or stop any hate crimes, but it's evidence that a new generation of kids are getting trained to do the tedious stuff that will get a ramp built, a law changed, a law made, a law enforced...
Just so you know, this passed in Idaho. October is now Disibility History Month. We're so excited.