Monday, October 08, 2007

Look who turned up for the October Meetup!

Panorama taken at our DS Meetup, originally uploaded by Edu-Tourist.

We had a great turnout for our monthly Disability Studies Meetup at Temple University's TECH Center. It definitely had a literary and artistic flair. Carol asked each attendee to write down the name that they would like to give to their autobiography. I think we have the notes somewhere, but my favorite title was "I Learned Everything from Carol."

The more formal program consisted of a presentation by Sarah Drury on some of the basic computer circuitry that underlay eVokability, a project to expand the emotional expressive range of people with disabilities through new media. Photos from the public performance of the eVokability: The Walking Project can be seen elsewhere on this blog.

Shoutout to Lydia for the bringing the veggies! We are open to suggestions on artists and performers to bring in next month, in conjuction with the Philadelphia's own Independence Starts Here Festival of Disability Arts and Culture.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Hi Mike and other Philly meetup gaggle. Are you guys starting a new university up at Liberty Center anyway? This is what I hear. I need to check with ILR about housing availability -- economies with rollin showers would work now. There is a true scarity in the city. Love you toboth and see you soon -- oh so very soon. I wish we has the energy, impetuts, or something to get us over to the arts event tonight. You guys rock. Sharon
