Sunday, December 30, 2007

Definitely living!

smiling child[Image description: Smiling blond boy in a zip-up hoodie, sitting in a cylindrical playground structure made from red mesh.]

Jacqui at Terrible Palsy says, "You all know how much I hate the media portraying a person as suffering from cerebral palsy. So I was thinking to myself - how come they can’t say that a person is living with cerebral palsy." She follows this with some joyous recent photos of her kids--definitely living, not suffering! I'll follow suit. Here's my boy Jake, at left, not suffering at all, at our favorite park last spring (cerebral palsy isn't his primary diagnosis, but it's one of the many boxes we check on his medical forms).


  1. That is a gorgeous photo, Penny. Just to add to your description of it - a photo of a smiling, happy, cheeky, confident, loved, and secure child. Wish they had boxes for those on medical forms...

  2. Anonymous6:20 AM

    It is a gorgeous photo. Big smile doing what kids do best - play.

  3. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Aw, what a cutey! I bet he's "fulla spit" (mischevious), too!

  4. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Yay! What a cutie!

    More, please. :)

  5. What a fantastic picture, glad to see another Penn State fan! I hope you and your family have a great 2008.

  6. He is sweet!

    That's what bugs me about groups like "Autism Speaks"; they only show the bad and never the good. False advertising is what that is.
