Thursday, February 28, 2008

Disability Blog Carnival #32 is up now!

[Image description: The first Disability Blog Carnival logo, designed by Kay Olson of the Gimp Parade in 2006, which shows a parking sign reading "Somewhat Disabled," and the caption "Disability Blog Carnival (come share the uncertainty)"]

Shiloh has rounded up a selection of recent posts that comment about the everyday frustrations, decisions, and strategies of living with a disability, in the snow, among clueless mattress salesmen, with wicked dreams of guerrilla bathroom modification... yeah, you're going to have to read to learn more about all that.

The next edition of the Disability Blog Carnival will run on March 13, at Wheelie Catholic. Ruth has chosen the theme "Appreciating Allies." Deadline for entries is March 10--you can submit links at the form, or in comments here, or by emailing me--Ruth's blog doesn't allow comments, so that's not an option this round.

Want to host an edition of the Carnival? Contact me! We have openings in April, June, and July to book now.


  1. Raising my hand! I'd like to host again.

  2. Penny, I'd like to host although I don't have a clue how...

  3. I'd like to host, preferably in April.
