Thursday, May 08, 2008

Disability Blog Carnival #37 is up NOW!

[Image description: Carnival logo shows a well-known self-portrait of Frida Kahlo in a wheelchair, holding brushes and a palette that resembles a human heart, with the words "Disability Blog Carnival" superimposed in strong black capitals.]

CripChick invites you to don a party hat and join in the festivities. She's assembled such an abundant collection of links to recent blogging on identity, community, passing, culture, difference ... and you'll pick up neologisms like "cripeleptic" and "chippy martyr." Mmm, better than cotton candy. I wouldn't mind one of the Frida t-shirts to mark the day, though. (Y'know, we might need a souvenir t-shirt. I don't think anyone makes a disability blogosphere shirt yet.)

Next edition of the carnival will be hosted at Ryn Tales, with the theme "spirituality and disability." Links are being accepted for consideration now through Monday May 19, for a Thursday May 22 posting, so leave them in comments here or there, or at the form, or just put "disability blog carnival" in the text of your post, I usually find those too.


  1. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Can I ask how you find those posts? That's always intrigued me.

  2. Oh--ask away! It's pretty easy: I set up a search feed in my Bloglines with the term "Disability Blog Carnival"--so any blog post with that phrase in it should be caught by the search feed. (I also have one set up just in case for "Disability Carnival," because that's a common variation of the phrase.)

  3. I SERIOUSLY need that picture of my gal Frieda on a T-shirt too!! She and I have such similar lives, as far as what she suffered from and how her pain began with an accident as mine did. If one is ever found, I'll pay!!! ;-)

