Saturday, June 14, 2008

Disability Blog Carnival #39 is up NOW!

Emma at The Writings of a Wheelchair Princess has an excellent edition posted Thursday on the theme, "If I knew then..." So there are posts about regret, but there are also posts about learning things are really okay, when that wasn't always clear. Got a time machine? I'd love to be able to tell the me of twelve years ago that before too long, I'd have email and websites and listservs and eventually blogs and feeds and carnivals, and that the isolation of new motherhood circa 1995 was about to be dispelled.

The next carnival (#40!!!) is scheduled to post on Thursday, June 26, at Pipecleaner Dreams. Watch there for the theme, and get your entries in via the usual channels by the end of Monday, June 23, to let the host have her best chance to assemble a great edition.

UPDATE: The theme is "Celebrations." Very appropriate for our 40th, yes? And she's even made a special logo for this upcoming edition... [inserted at left--visual description: black-and-white vintage photo of a woman holding an iced cake on a plate; superimposed is "Disability Blog Carnival #40" in red text]


  1. Penny, the carnival is now up. I really hope I did it correctly...


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