Wednesday, June 04, 2008

RIP: Harriet McBryde Johnson (1957-2008)

Death is natural and necessary, but not just. It is a random force of nature; survival is equally accidental. Each loss is an occasion to remember that survival is a gift. I owe it to others to make good use of my time. When I die, I might as well die alive. (Too Late to Die Young, p. 16)
News from the South Carolina Protection and Advocacy Office is that disability rights activist, lawyer, and writer Harriet McBryde Johnson passed away last night. She was 50 years old. (Can't find any official news reporting this yet, so I'll keep watch and link when I do.)

UPDATE: Obituary in Thursday's Charleston Post and Courier. Thanks to Beth Haller for alerting us to the tribute site to Harriet that has been created by Laura Hershey of Crip Commentary.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    She was my aunt, and I've never met a more brilliant or amazing person. She will be greatly missed by her family, friends, and fans.
