[Image description: Disability Blog Carnival logo, featuring a patent drawing of a torso bracing device, with the words "the Disability Blog Carnival: A Bracing Event" superimposed in blue]
Retired Waif has posted the 41st edition of the Disability Blog Carnival, with the title "Death Becomes Her." Longtime Carnival readers may remember that the last time Retired Waif hosted an edition, she was nearly in labor (literally, reporting possible contractions in the course of the post itself!). This year, the theme is end-of-life issues: "It isn't nice and sweet, this carnival," she explains in the introduction. Indeed--but it is full of links to thoughtful, ambivalent, resolute, defiant, questioning, and wise posts, so settle in and have a read.
Next edition is scheduled to be hosted by Greg at Pitt Rehab on July 24, and he's requesting your stories about "a memorable summer vacation/adventure/ordeal." Hm, I foresee a whole new definition of "summer break," and a swarm of jellyfish stings, airport mishaps, and sunscreen disasters. But then, I'm starting to look forward to September already.... Submit via any of the usual channels--the blogcarnival.com form (but beware the Captcha--still not accessible, grrrr), in comments here or at Greg's blog, or just put the phrase "disability blog carnival" in your post, and we'll probably find you somehow.
My blog carnival entry is at: