Terri at Barriers, Bridges, and Books has the latest edition, with links around the theme of "Capacities and Capabilities." I especially appreciated the links that took a critical look at the theme itself--because our carnival is feisty and non-compliant like that, sometimes. Other posts cover creativity, ukeleles, adaptive technology, inflatable climbing structures, the upcoming presidential election in the US, new babies, good restaurants, college, Thanksgiving, and chemistry. Must be something in that list to pique your interest, so go over and check it out.
Next edition of the Carnival will be held at I Hate Stairs, where your host Blake has set the theme as "Lists." Dos and Don'ts, Top 10s, bucket lists, packing lists, to-do lists, reading lists, shopping lists, you name it, he wants your links, by all the usual means. You can leave a comment here, or at I Hate Stairs, or submit a link for consideration through the blogcarnival.com form (warning: inaccessible CAPTCHA feature). Or you can put the phrase "Disability Blog Carnival" in the text of your post, I usually find those too. Deadline for submissions is Monday, 10 November, and the carnival should post on Thursday, 13 November.
Better late than never! My submission is posted on Active Gray matter Blog http://activegreymatter.org/2008/10/23/learning-to-be-disabled/ and my personal blog, Krishanna [dot] com http://www.krishanna.com/. Hope you'll consider visting!
ReplyDeleteHello there,
ReplyDeleteLOVE your blog! I will make it short & sweet. I am interested in advertising on it (http://disstud.blogspot.com) with a link on the sidebar.
Please let me know if you might be interested. If we can come to a fair price, I will pre-pay for 1 year.
Many thanks, cheers!
All the best,
Cassie (cassie003@gmail.com)
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