Saturday, January 10, 2009

Disability Blog Carnival #52 (January 2009) is up now!

Cherylberyl posted the newest edition of the Disability Blog Carnival this week (here and here). As she noted, there weren't many actual submissions over the holidays, but she went and gathered a collection of links anyway, and it's well worth checking out.

The next edition is scheduled for 12 February at the blog River of Jordan, hosted by twxee. Topic TBA (soon!).

You'll notice that we've moved to a once-a-month Disability Blog Carnival. Twice a month was great, but once a month is the frequency of many other carnivals, and maybe that's for good reason. As Cherylberyl found, submissions have decreased--not just at our carnival, but at many blog carnivals, from various reports. Please continue to submit posts as usual, through the form (warning, CAPTCHA!), by email, by comment, or by putting the phrase "disability blog carnival" in your post.

And we need hosts for the April and further carnivals. Let me know if you're interested!

(My apologies for not posting this news earlier--I've had about three weeks of very spotty internet connection, and I don't know when that will end. It's taken about three frustrating hours to get this post up. This situation also explains the minimal posting I've been able to do here--again, apologies.)


  1. I rarely participated this past year because I felt the topics were narrow and not things I had talked about in the prior month. It is as if, instead of a round-up of blog posts, carnivals have been issuing topic challenges. I know that can be stimulating for some people, but it doesn't work for me. And maybe not for a lot of others. I'd submit if I was simply asked to submit whatever I thought was my best post. I can see that maybe not having a topic invites too many submissions, but maybe that is a better situation than not enough.

    So, instead of just complaining, I guess I should host one month. Email me for when you need me.

  2. I'm hosting the next one, so I am glad you wrote this comment. How about something like Pot Luck or Hodgepodge as a topic? Is that too hokey? I'd love feedback before I announce the Feb 12th topic!! Thanks!!

  3. Twxee, I think that Pot Luck would be a great idea. When everyone brings their favorite dish, no one goes away hungry!

  4. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I'll host one, too. I, too have trouble writing by "topic on demand." Maybe a suggestion or two would be okay for those who like them but not required?

    Let me know what I need to do to host.

  5. I can host anytime, just let me know how I can help!

  6. Potluck, Hodgepodge, Come-as-you-are, Hootenanny, No-Theme, Bring-it-on, that's all totally fine with me! (Past hosts will confirm, I tend to send in whatever posts strike me as interesting, anyway, whether or not they're on theme.)

    Lexie--just send me by email the email address you'd like to use for the carnival (it wouldn't get published, it would just be where the submissions were routed). How's May for you?

    Greg, you think you'll be recovered from a Steelers Super Bowl win in time to take June? ;)

    Thanks all!

  7. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I actually like to see carnivals with some particular topic (it gives me some guidance on what might be interesting to submit or what I might find in the carnival), though I agree to what some have said about the topics possibly being too narrow. So, I tend to like the broader topics. For example, BADD (Blogging Against Disablism Day) has the topic of blogging against disability discrimination, with a number of sub-categories, but this is still very broad.

    By the way, Penny, I would love to host a carnival sometime, and hope you will give me a chance again. I am still in the psych hospital (the rason "my" carnival didn't get posted), so at this point I'm still uncertain when I could be a host, but maybe you will consider me again for a future carnival.

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