[visual description: logo for the Disability Blog Carnival, featuring a vintage patent drawing of a torso brace, with the words "the Disability Blog Carnival a bracing event" superimposed in blue text]
Go, now, check it out--Liz Henry has crafted a fine, fine edition of the Disability Carnival around the theme of "Disability and Work." You'll want to settle in to read it; the contributions are so good, so thoughtful, so rich in ideas and experiences, it's worth savoring.
Next month's Disability Blog Carnival (#60!) is due to appear at the excellent new blog, FWD: Feminists with Disabilities in November--date TBA. Because we're skipping the still inaccessible and spam-filled blogcarnival.com system from now on, don't use that form anymore; instead, leave links in comments here, email the FWD blog (they'll give us a preferred email address for submissions when we get the date), or put "disability blog carnival" in the text of your submission, I can usually find those too.
UPDATE: Here's the official call for submissions for Disability Blog Carnival #60, to be hosted at FWD on November 19th, with the theme "Disability and Intersectionality."
UPDATE #2: Alison Bergblom Johnson will host Disability Blog Carnival #61 at her blog, Writing Mental Illness, on December 13th (she requests submissions by December 4). Her chosen theme, "Telling about Disability." Here's her official call for submissions.
Want to host in January? We're looking for hosts willing to put a good bit of work and creativity into the gathering and presentation of the links --it's usually fun, but it's also a commitment. I'll need to know an address for submissions, a date, and a theme (if you have one).
FWD/Forward here: the date for th3 60th carnival is 19 November, and send your submissions to carnival at disabledfeminists dot com!
ReplyDeleteHi, I would love to host for December. Perhaps the topic could be Telling about Disability.
ReplyDeleteYou're on, Alison. Like the topic. Pick a date (I know December can sometimes be a bit tricky).
ReplyDeleteHi Penny,
ReplyDeleteGreat! Let's post the carnival on the 13th of December, and have submissions due on the 4th of December.
Submissions can be sent to alison (at) alisonbergblomjohnson (dot) com
I'm glad to host sometime too, not sure about topic. It's been a high pain month (happens every fall), but am trying to get back on track with blogging.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who likes the blog carnival site? It's because of the handy widget... Can you make your own widget? I'd also rather not freely give out my email address. Wanted to host in Dec. Had a theme in mind. Guess I'm too late... Although I would have requested using the form.
ReplyDeleteHi Cheryl--the blogcarnival.com widget was probably its best feature. If someone can make us a widget that would be wonderful; that's not a skill I count among my own.
ReplyDeleteThe form, however... it attracted hills of spam, and lots of links from medical advice and personal coaching sites that weren't even in the ballpark for disability blogging. The form was inaccessible, and the blogcarnival.com people were completely uninterested in making any changes toward better access.
I agree, it's limiting to ask hosts to post an email address for submissions. But it doesn't need to be your personal address; it can be an address you set up just for the purpose of submissions. Or you can set up a comment thread to collect links, without any email involved. (Or maybe do both; we've always try to have multiple means of submitting links, anyway.)
Comment thread. DUH. Didn't think of a comment thread! Will take the widget down I guess.
ReplyDeleteSomeone want to figure it out? I'm completely lost!
Thanks for continuing to sponsor the Disability Blog Carnival (widget or not). I've found a number of blogs this way that I still keep up with.