Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Disability Blog Carnival #62 is up now....

...and has been for a week. Sorry--we spent three nights in the PICU last week, amazing how that wrecks a week, eh? (Son is fine now.) But better late than never, here's the 62nd edition of the Disability Blog Carnival, hosted by Cheryl with the theme "Holidays." Funny, defiant, adorable, troubling--she's got every flavor of post in this big stockingfull of links.

Next month's edition will be hosted by Lauren at, with the them "Relationships." Her call for submissions asks: has your disability affected your relationship with your family? How do you manage balancing friendships with a limited number of spoons? How well do your coworkers deal with your disability? If you haven't been or identified as disabled for your whole life, how did becoming/identifying disabled change your relationships? How does your disability affect your expression of your sexuality? What kinds of things do you wish your friends/significant other(s)/family understood better? How do your friends and family make your life better, even if you're running low on spoons? Basically, how does your disability impact (or not impact) your relationships with the people around you?
Submissions are due February 20th for posting on February 23. You can leave links or email your links to Lauren according to her instructions over there.

Now my confession: I think I offered March to two different hosts! If you're one of them, please get in touch and let me know if you're still available, if you're willing to do April instead, etc.


  1. Somebody already did the theme of relationships back sometime in the summer. Was it Aug?

  2. Not a problem. After 62 installments there won't likely be many "new" topics--but each edition ends up being unique anyway.

  3. Hi Penny, I would be willing to host at some point.

  4. Hi Terri, how do you feel about May?

  5. Hi Penny, I've always wanted to host a blog carnival and have decided to offer myself up this year. I'll take the next available one ... just let me know ... June is OK for me. Is there a primer on how these are done?
