Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Disability Blog Carnival #64 is up NOW!

Wait, WHAT?

Didn't we just post about carnival #63 last week?

Indeed we did. But Athena, Ivan, and the Integral are trying something different for the March edition. They're accepting and posting submissions all month long! Go check it out, and watch it unfurl as the month does. Follow the instructions at their blog to send in a link for consideration, and to read more about what they're looking for this time.

The April carnival will be hosted by Twxee at River of Jordan, and her theme idea last we talked was "balance." Think on that!


  1. Penny, what are the dates for the April carnival? Date for submission and publication? I am sticking with balance; I hope I'll get some good submissions! Thanks.

  2. You decide, Danielle--sometime mid-month is usually best, but whatever works with your schedule. Just announce it sometime in mid-March so folks know what the plan is, how you want to receive submissions, etc. (We're not doing blogcarnival.com anymore so this stuff is up to each individual host blogger now.)
