Friday, April 23, 2010

Disability Blog Carnival #65 is up NOW!

Go check out Twxee's River of Jordan blog for the latest edition of the Disability Blog Carnival, built around the theme of balance--figurative and literal! And maybe you'll get excited to write up something for the May edition? It'll be hosted by Terri at Barriers, Bridges, and Books, with the theme "Story." She elaborates on that:

Story is the stuff of relationship. Story makes information meaningful and 'random' anecdotes connect.

People with disabilities historically have been removed from society's stories--they lived elsewhere, went to different schools, worked different jobs (or didn't), and to a large degree were left out of the history books...

The story society tells itself about disability--that disability is suffering and tragedy--often upstages the stories that people with disabilities live every day and tell whenever they get the opportunity.

Story introduces, bridges and explains...

If you have a story to tell, or something to say about story submit...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Amanda7:33 PM

    My submission:
