"SB 1256, a bill that would honor every year the life and work of revered disability rights leader Ed Roberts, recognized across the world as the 'father of the independent living movement' for people with disabilities and special needs will be heard in the Assembly Education Committee Wednesday afternoon...SB1256...has already cleared the State Senate without any opposition voted... SB 1256 would provide that the Governor proclaim January 23 of each year as 'Ed Roberts Day,' would designate that date as having 'special significance' in public schools and educational institutions, and would encourage those entities to conduct suitable commemorative exercises on that date, remembering his life, recognizing his accomplishments as well as the accomplishments of other Californians with disabilities. The legislation could pass out of the Assembly and be sent to the Governor near the 2oth anniversary of the passage and enactment of the landmark federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)."Now, naming a day for Ed Roberts won't enforce any neglected accessibility laws, or improve Medi-Cal coverage, or keep anyone from using ableist language. But maybe schools will invite disabled performers to lead the celebration; maybe scout troops will learn to build good ramps or install clear signage on the day; maybe newspapers will seek out community activists for soundbites or more; maybe maybe maybe.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
January 23 to be designated Ed Roberts Day in California?
I've mentioned before that I find the CDCAN email updates from Marty Omoto invaluable for following what's happening in our state capital that might affect Californians with disabilities (and my own family in that). Of course, lately it's been a lot of frustrating and frightening news about cut programs and languishing bills. So this morning's update was a nice change from all that....
The Governor did decree January 23rd to be Ed Roberts day. Here's the link: http://www.berkeleyside.com/2010/07/21/ed-roberts-day-decreed/