Friday, January 21, 2011

Disability Blog Carnival #73 is up NOW!

SpazGirl at Butterfly Dreams has the "Freak Flag" January edition of the Disability Blog Carnival up now, with a fine array of links, nicely curated. Go have a read through the first carnival edition of 2011.

February's edition will be hosted by lilwatchergirl at the blog Through Myself and Back Again. Watch there for more details (or here, when I link to them). ETA: The carnival will post on February 25. Here is the official announcement, giving the theme as "Participation."

And now... it's time to start lining up hosts for the rest of 2011! Here's how it works: We've been doing one carnival edition a month for a while now, and that seems to be fine for the supply of hosts and submissions. So we'll take one volunteer per month, March through December 2011. Hosting is a commitment; think on whether and when that commitment makes sense for you, before offering to host. If you're the host, you choose the date, the theme (or no theme), and how submissions will be received (email, comment threads, tags, tweets, etc.). You decide how to present the carnival--see the past 73 editions for a range of possibilities. And you can publicize the carnival as you see fit--on twitter or facebook or wherever. And as organizer, I'll post useful links here at DSTU (usually to the announcement/invitation and to the carnival edition when it posts).

That's about it. Leave a comment here and we'll work out a schedule.

What we have so far (I'll keep updating this as folks confirm their interest):

February: Through Myself and Back Again

March: Writer in a Wheelchair

April: Finding My Way

May: Astrid's Journal

June: Butterfly Dreams

July: Working at Perfect (Carl)

September: Aftergadget


  1. I'll take another month, doesn't really matter which month. I guess I'll take June since I'll be home doing nothing anyway. :) had so much fun hosting the carnival!

  2. Can I take April this year please? Got a topic! Thanks!

  3. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I'll host May if that's okay.

  4. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Hey, I thought I'd point out another blog carnival you might be interested in keeping tabs on/linking to: the Assistance Dog Blog Carnival. It's quarterly, and the most recent edition came out last week at L-squared. The link is


  5. Anonymous2:34 AM

    I'd like to host. I could do Aug, Sept, Nov, or Dec. I think my preference would be Sept or Dec.

  6. I would love to host a blog carnival one month if you will allow me. Any available month will do.

