Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Disability Blog Carnival News

The May edition of the Disability Blog Carnival will be hosted by Astrid at Astrid's Journal, with the theme "Care." Here's her explanation:
This could be health or social care, but also the care family members provide each other or self-care, of course. Please submit your posts in a comment here or E-mail me by May 25. I will post the carnival on May 29.
Astrid also mentions that the Blog Carnival of Mental Health's May edition will be hosted at the Madosphere, with the theme "patients and professionals."


  1. O, I think I can find a few words to say on the theme, "Care". I will mark it as such and that it is my carnival submission, and post it on May 25.
    Thanks for this, penny and Astrid!
    Paula Apodaca
    E. is for Epilepsy by Paula Apodaca

  2. This blog sounds great.It is based ona very interesting topic.
