Thursday, June 09, 2011

Disability Blog Carnival update

Here's the latest: Spaz Girl (Cara) has the call for the June Disability Blog Carnival, with the theme "community," which she's hosting. She'd love to have submissions by June 25.

And it's time to recruit hosts for the rest of 2011. We do a monthly carnival these days, so we need six hosts, July-December. Who's in? Leave comments, I'll update this post as we fill slots.

UPDATE 7/26: The June Carnival may not have happened (though I've seen a good number of submissions in the comments at Butterfly Dreams)? And it's too late for July. But here are some host assignments based on the comments here...

AUGUST: Life of the Differently Abled (confirmed!)
SEPTEMBER: Never That Easy (confirmed!)
OCTOBER: Spaz Girl (Cara) at Butterfly Dreams (confirmed!)
NOVEMBER: Martha at Believe in Who You Are
DECEMBER: After Gadget (confirmed!)

Hosts, please confirm that you can take your assigned month, in comments or by email. I think the carnival format is winding down in the day of Tumblr and Twitter, but as long as hosts are volunteering I'll keep supporting that.


  1. I can do July or August....September's gonna be a little crazy for me, first month back at college, so no go there...I could probably do October or November, but December's finals so it would probably be a bad idea to host then. Let me know which month you want me to take, I'm flexible!

  2. I co one don't care what month

  3. let me try typing thst sgsin my keyboard went weird
    I can do one don't care what month

  4. I can do September or October.

  5. Hi, I'm Amy a 43-year old woman with a disability. I've just found your blog and wondered what the Disability Blog carnival is.

    I've started a blog about me and being disabled:

  6. We don't seem to have had a June carnival, and it's too late for July now, but I'll assign August to lifeofthedifferentlydisabled, September to Never That Easy, and October to Spaz Girl, if that all works for everyone. Watch for emails.

  7. Sorry about June.....I have the post about half done but I just haven't had the spoons to do will go up eventually, I promise, I wouldn't want to let everyone who submitted down. I'm confirming for October! :)

  8. Anonymous12:01 AM

    I already requested September at the beginning of the year. You had me as the host for Sept. I was already working on my announcement and everything. I've been looking forward to it. What happened? :-(

  9. Anonymous12:03 AM

    See here:

    It is two words, though: After Gadget.

  10. I can Do november.

  11. After Gadget, you are absolutely right and I am very sorry! I didn't remember having a September host, and barged ahead to assign it again. Can I interest you in December or January? Again, many apologies.

    Martha, I'll give you November right now.

  12. Actually, I'm just noticing that Martha and Aftergadget have similar interests; if you two want to collaborate on a carnival edition, that would also be a welcome solution.

  13. Anonymous5:11 PM

    OK, thank you, I will take December. I am happy to host it solo.
