Thursday, October 13, 2011

Call for links, October Disability Blog Carnival: "Sweet is the Melody"

Spaz Girl at Butterfly Dreams is hosting this month. Here's her call for links:
I'm hosting the October Disability Blog Carnival! Pieces of the June one are still languishing in my drafts folder, and I intend to actually put it up.....sometime. But onto October! My theme for the October DBC is sweet is the melody. How does music help you get through the tough times related to disability? What songs empower you? What songs remind you of the disability experience? As always, I welcome submissions off-theme as well. Please have submissions to me by October 25th and I will try my hardest to have them up by the first of November!! You can comment on this post with your link or email me at You can even send them to me through Tumblr if you like, I don't care. Happy blogging, everyone!


  1. Hi, I have a recent post on my blog discussing music a little bit, if your are interested:

  2. October carnival is up!!!
