Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Halftime Handoff

Every week during halftime on Sunday Night Football, Toyota announces which sports-related non-profit organization is getting $10,000 in their weekly campaign to publicize such groups. Last Sunday, it was Shane's Inspiration's turn, and my son is in the 15-second video's opening scene (blond kid in the Convaid chair, on the right of the picture, next to the rollerslide):

[Video description: Children playing on an accessible playground, some visibly disabled, some not--they are sliding, climbing, rolling, and smiling--sunny afternoon, colorful autumn clothing]

[Audio transcript: "Thanks to your votes, Toyota is proud to donate $10,000 to Shane's Inspiration, a Southern California-based foundation that helps build playgrounds accessible to children with physical disabilities. Every week, visit to vote for the next Toyota Halftime Handoff."]

Okay, 15-seconds of a corporate ad, probably not going to change the world. BUT--some of the folks watching football on Sunday night never thought about accessible playgrounds before. Now they've heard the phrase. Maybe one or two of those folks are on a town council or city planning board, and when they hear the phrase again, they'll associate it, subconsciously, with smiling children and a nice evening watching football. And maybe, just maybe, that means they vote yes on the proposed accessible swing in their neighborhood... not even knowing why.

(There's a two-minute version of the ad coming out next week, for the Toyota website and Facebook page and YouTube -- I'll post that here when it's available.)

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