Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Disability Blog Carnival #81 is up NOW!

And it's "all about the love"---as fits the date (it's still Valentine's Day here in California). Dave Hingsburger hosted the February edition, about loving the stuff that makes life work--accessibility symbols, service dogs, a power chair, big jackets with pockets...and then veers into ruminations on cyborgs, gratitude, and friendship. I love when a host highlights the connections between many diverse posts, and Dave certainly does that.

How would you like to give it a try? We're currently needing hosts for several months in 2012, including March... and April.... so if you don't want to see the carnival go quarterly for a while, now's the time to volunteer! Or if you'd like to gather your wits for later in the year, that's cool too, you can reserve a month in the fall or winter right now and have plenty of time to plan and dream about your edition.


  1. People should give this a try. But that;s unless they really just want to see the festival quarterly. XD

  2. Can we host another edition of the carnival at disability.dreamwidth.org? Maybe March's edition?

  3. Sorry not sure where my posts here keep disappearing too ( I know it must be me) but I would love to host March or any spare month. Thanks

  4. I'm going to schedule I'm Not My Disease for March, and Disability.Dreamwidth.Org for April--any objections?

  5. I sincerely hope you will find those volunteers since this is such a good cause you are on..

  6. Thank you Penny, now what do I do? Do I create the topic?

  7. My email is leeroy.good@gmail.com

  8. Yes, you set a theme or question as you like, post about that, tell folks how you want to receive submissions and when, and the rest of us will also tweet and blog your announcement. It's also a good idea to collect your own links to recent posts that fit your idea, in case the submissions are light (they can be). Look at the 81 editions so far to see ways to present your carnival, and thank you!

  9. Here is the March call out for submissions. http://notmydisease.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/hosting-disability-carnival.html
    Tried to make it simple so more people could join in (hopefully) by posting their first ever post. I also thought it is great to get people looking at parts of others blogs often neglected.

  10. Well done, thanks! I can get this up on the blog and tweet and all that tomorrow morning.
