Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Disability Blog Carnival #84: Call is up now...

Writer in a Wheelchair is hosting the September edition of the Disability Blog Carnival.  Because Emma's been at the the Paralympics recently, the theme will be "Inspire a Generation."  Here's the call, and here are the main details:
You can submit older posts or write new ones
They need to be related to disability but don’t need to be written by disabled people
Posts need to fit the theme in someway but it’s not rigid
The deadline for posts is Sept 26th, I hope to post the carnival on 30th Sept.
Emma lists several ways to submit links--in comments at the blog, in tweets, and in emails.  Please consider joining in!


  1. Hey, can you repost the list of blog carnivals, I know I volunteered for one in the fall but bless me can't remember which one.

  2. http://disstud.blogspot.com/2011/12/disability-blog-carnival-79-is-up-now.html

    You're next month, Dave, and then I don't think anyone is slated after that. Given the recent lack of participation, I think I'll let it lie, at least till the new year. So you'll be the last edition for 2012.
