Please mark your calendars and contact the Institute on Disabilities for more information about an exciting mini-course entitled “Reframing Disability through the Arts” that will be taking place on the Temple University Main Campus on March 15, 2006. Drawing on a variety of artistic media including film and memoir, Dr. Simi Linton will explore the shifting meanings of disability in contemporary society and the role those definitions and images play in shaping the lives of people with disabilities.
The presenter holds a Ph.D. from Hunter College and is a leading scholar and proponent for the establishment of Disability Studies programs such as those at Columbia University, Syracuse University and the University of Illinois-Chicago. Simi Linton is President of Disability/Arts consultancy, the author of two important books in the field, Claiming Disability: Knowledge and Identity (New York University Press 1998) and My Body Politic (University of Michigan Press 2006) and co-convener of the University Seminar on Disability Studies at Columbia University. The interactive presentation will last from 9:30 am to 12 noon and will be free of charge except to those who wish to take the course for continuing education credits.
Contact Mike Dorn disstud@temple.edu to be placed on the mailing list for this event.
“Reframing Disability Through the Arts” is jointly sponsored by the Institute on Disabilities, the School of Communications and Theater, and the Center for the Humanities at Temple (CHAT).
More of Simi's writings can be found elsewhere on the Disability Studies, Temple University blog: here and here.
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