Sorry I'm so late with this, we've been out of town. Disability Blog Carnival #58 is up now at Touched by an Alien, hosted by Laura, with the theme "Relationships and Disability." It's a good collection, go check it out.
I've had a volunteer to do the next edition, but so far not one non-spam entry for it... and I'm thinking we might be heading to the end of the Disability Blog Carnival's run. Blogging has changed a lot in the past three years; there are many, many more disability-related blogs out there, and there are many ways to manage favorite content across blogs, and alert friends to the most interesting bits you've seen. I think the Carnival was a good thing--it certainly had many fine moments--but many blog carnivals are struggling these days, and maybe the need for the format itself has diminished.
What do you think? I'm interested in your thoughts. Stay tuned for more on this.
What is the topic/date for Carnival #59?
I enjoy blog carnivals because they aggregate all of the posts in one place. If it's decided to discontinue DBC, maybe your site could offer a "Disability-Related Blogs" or "Disability Bloggers" page (in lieu of/ in addition to the sidebar blogroll).
Regardless, I enjoy your site and will continue to read.
No topic; we've generally been running Carnivals on the second Thursday of the month.
There are quite a number of blogrolls and lists of disability bloggers out there--keeping ours updated annually is about as much as I can manage in that direction. Try the disability "alltop" for one useful and automatically updated collection.
I will miss your wit and wisdom, pain through the tears. Blogs are a lot of work. Mine has morphed into a general advocacy blog with lots of disability stories and I work at it 7 days a week.
Most of the disability blogs are profiteers. agregating original content on places like Carnival. They won't last. We're going through a crazy phase in blogging.
Carnival is an authentic voice and I love it.
I also know it takes a lot of time and effort.
If you stay at it you might think about wordpress which somehow gets more readers than blogger.
Whatever you decide to do I love ya and alway will so there. You are the very best.
Penny, thanks for the Alltop suggestion; I had not seen the site before.
hello...I just stumbled on this blog which is new to me and all that twitter. I am a graduate of Temple University - 1979 with a BA in Psychology. I also suffer from a bi-polar disorder (which I would gladly vote as a topic of discussion for this carnival). I would really like to see this forum continue, but if not...would be open to any related links. Thank-you for your time. :-)
Maybe the blog carnivals could somehow fold into Facebook. That seems to be where most people are interacting online these days and sharing links.
Really? I love the Disability Blog Carnivals. Is there any particular reason to stop them? I think they're amazing.
I loved them too, Liz, but.... we haven't had any non-spam submissions in the past few weeks--and there hasn't been a clamoring to host, either. After three years (this month!), maybe the format has lost something?
I'm willing to schedule a next edition and publicize it, if someone wants to host it and take it seriously. Ideally, the carnival shouldn't just be a collection of links, but an organized presentation of what's happening in the disability blogosphere. The best editions were crafted with great care (and sometimes humor and art too).
Greetings again to those who take this blog seriously. I am not sure of what a host's duties are in conjunction of this thread, but I would be glad to assist any and all who would like to continue the flow of information concerning people with disability. It is important to me and I'm sure to anyone who tunes in here that viable communication is necessary to implement a good understanding of the obstacles and the hurdles we deal with each day. Also.., to convey to each other, our "better days" and how we feel in conjunction with the comparisons. Sorry to have taken this long to get back here....I value all your viewpoints and suggestions.
James Lynch
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