This is (below, left) an Academy Award:

They're not interchangeable. Not even in Los Angeles. (Correction: Malibu.)
Any questions?
Cool stuff in the world of Disability Studies, Geography, and History. Based at Temple University in Philadelphia, with contributors from coast to coast. Check out our 'Notable Blogs' list below - your portal to the disability blog world.
Nicely done!
What's Britney's excuse, I wonder?
Wow, that is just depressing that she did that.
I'm thinking of starting a blog of shame where I photograph cars -- including their license plates -- parked in handicapped spaces. Do you know if something like this already exists?
The reason I haven't already done it is that here in Massachusetts -- and this is TOTALLY unrelated to your post; please forgive me -- you have to wait until you are disabled to get a placard (knowing you are about to be temporarily or permanently disabled, as with a planned amputation, is not enough), and then you have to get your doctor to fill in the form, and then there is a wait time of literally weeks before the placard arrives in your mailbox. That's a lot of time to be in pain or otherwise impaired without official sanction to use resources which have been reserved just for you, and I never fault anyone for jumping the gun in a situation like that.
Still, most offenders really are offenders and sometimes I itch to call them out, celebrity or no. Because no, really, really needing a pack of cigs or a quart of milk is not the same as having a condition which causes you pain with every step or a wheelchair which requires you to use extra space getting in and out of the car.
A.--I give up trying to understand anything Ms. Spears does. She might be moving into a neighboring town, though. If I run into her (hopefully not in the automotive sense), I'll be sure to ask.
Sara--you're looking for -- check it out.
Wow, I have tried to visit on two different days now, and my computer just will not connect to it for love or money. Well, I haven't actually tried money. Still, very odd.
I will try again another day. Meanwhile, thanks for the heads-up!
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