Go, go, check it out at at FWD/Forward--- the theme is intersectionality and it's chock-full of links to great posts on that and other subjects. And while you're there, read the rest of this excellent new(ish) group blog. It's a daily stop on my blogsurfing tour.
Hey, and did you notice, that's SIXTY editions of the Disability Blog Carnival? Very cool. Thanks to all the past hosts, contributors, writers, readers, commenters... you all make for a terrific event I look forward to every time, and I think a lot of other people look for it and learn from it too.
Next edition --#61-- is at Alison Bergblom Johnson's blog, Writing Mental Illness. It'll go up on December 13, but she's requesting submissions by December 4, on the topic "Telling Disability" if you like, or you're also free to submit links to other recent posts you'd like to share with the wider 'sphere.