Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Invitation - visit our special issue while you still can

Access the special issue of the Disability Studies Quarterly guest edited by Deb Metzel and Mike Dorn FREE until the end of the year.  http://www.dsq-sds.org/2004_summer_toc.html

After January 1, 2005, you will have to pay to subscribe through the Society for Disability Studies.


DSQ: Summer 2004 - Theme Issue: Disability and Geography II


Table of Contents:

 - Introduction, Deborah Metzel and Michael L. Dorn

 - Points of Entry: Disability and the Historical Geography of Immigration, Penny L. Richards

 - Childhood Disability and Ability: (Dis)ableist Geographies of Mainstream Primary Schools, Louise Holt

 - Income Assistance (the ODSP) and Disabled Women in Ontario, Canada: Limited Program Information, Restrictive Incomes and the Impacts Upon Socio-Spatial Life, Valorie A. Crooks

 - Wayfinding With Visuo-Spatial Impairment from Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury, Cathy L. Antonakos, Bruno J. Giordani and James A. Ashton-Miller

 - Independent Living and Self-Determination of Women with Physical Disabilities in Bandung, Indonesia, Inge Komardjaja

 - Learning Support for Disabled Students Undertaking Fieldwork and Related Activities, Cathleen McAnneny

 - The Theatrical Landscape of Disability, Victoria Ann Lewis


An announcement to this effect was recently posted on the entrance page, http://www.dsq-sds.orgDisability Studies Quarterly (DSQ) will soon be a password-protected web site. This means that only Society for Disability Studies (SDS) members, all of whom have an automatic subscription to DSQ, will have access to the full text of the journal's articles after January 2005. If you would like to become a member of SDS to receive a subscription, visit the SDS membership page at:


Deb and I welcome your feedback.


Sincerely,  Mike


Michael Dorn

Institute on Disabilities

423 Ritter Annex

1301 Cecil B. Moore Ave.

Philadelphia, PA 19122




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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