Applications are now being accepted for the Winter Leadership Institute
at the University of Delaware, January 13-18, 2008. Sponsored by the National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities.
This week-long, intensive leadership development program is designed for current executive-level emerging leaders, and those who anticipate filling leadership roles in the future. Participants may work in areas of management or program leadership in organizations that provide, advocate for, or fund community-based services and supports for people with developmental disabilities and their families.
Institute participants will come away with demonstrated leadership ability and a firm grasp of the values that are critical for quality, individualized supports.
Faculty include: Derrick Dufresne, Steve Eidelman, Jim Gardner, Renee Pietrangelo, Julie Petty, Tim Quinn, Lynne Seagle, Michael Smull, Nancy Thaler, Nancy Ward, Nancy Weiss, and more. Some scholarships & fellowships are available!
Applications are due by October 24th. Click here for more information and an on-line application. Or click on the image below for a full description.