Perhaps in connection with Low's disability, the Girl Scouts were open to disabled girls from long before community inclusion or age-appropriate activities were generally embraced goals. The first separate troop for girls with physical disabilities was formed in April 1917, in New York City. There are photos of girls in hospital polio wards in the 1940s, organized into troops by their nurses; and a 1945 pamphlet published by the Girl Scouts of America, titled Girl Scouts All: Leader's Guide to Working with the Handicapped, described "the many opportunities and advantages of membership in the Girl Scouts for handicapped girls," and provides program ideas for girls "handicapped by blindness, crippling conditions, heart disease, tuberculosis, deafness, and diabetes." And this historical legacy is not just for the kids: leaders with disabilities have also been welcome for decades (for example, Priscilla Ferris in the 1950s).

For further reading from the past:
Ely Maxwell, "Nurses and Girl Scouts Help Each Other," The American Journal of Nursing 49(10)(October 1949): 648-649.
"Disabled Girls can be Girl Scouts," Exceptional Parent (February/March 1972): 1, 5, 19-21.
[The image above left is from my own albums. I'm in there, at Girl Scout daycamp, at Camp Laurel in northeastern Pennsylvania, in the mid-1970s. --PLR]
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For Marika’s case, GAUSA should have provided for reasonable accommodation for Marika’s disabilities. I don’t understand why GAUSA earned lots of profits from the Girl Scout Cookies. Are the GAUSA are mean selfish bitches?
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